Jun 11, 2020 How Embassy Hopes to Help Heal The Divide
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd died in Minneapolis, MN. after graphic video captured an officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck while handcuffed and pleading for air because he could not breathe. Since that incident, many cities throughout our country have seen protests that are demanding police reforms and more accountability.
These events have significantly damaged police-community relations. As you know, the success of a law enforcement agency can be measured many ways, however, trust and legitimacy are the foundation for law enforcement effectiveness. Research has shown that people are more likely to obey the law when they believe that those who are enforcing it have “legitimacy” and are acting in ways that are lawful, respectful and unbiased.
Building trust can take many years however, it can be destroyed in an instant. Trust starts with engaging in safe, respectful and productive dialogue with your community and stakeholders. Another way is to provide employees with training that forces them to look introspectively and confront the biases that we all possess.
In March of 2015, President Barack Obama’s 21st Century Policing Task Force Report was published. The task force was created to strengthen community policing and trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.
Embassy Consulting Services, LLC is ready to assist local law enforcement agencies and municipalities to implement many of the recommendations set forth in the report. Embassy has decades of experience creating and facilitating training programs that explore:
- Implicit bias
- Fair and impartial policing
- Racial profiling/Bias-based policing
- Ethical decision making
- De-escalation
- Cultural Diversity/Human relations
- Critical thinking
- Social intelligence
- Historical trauma
Embassy can also assist your community by facilitating police-community team-building forums. These dialogues bring together law enforcement and community members to explore perceptions and expectations they have for one another and include an action planning piece so together, they can move forward to build and maintain a safe, respectful and inclusive community.
The current divide that exists between law enforcement and the community will not go away unless leaders are willing to collaborate with stakeholders, implement prevention measures and make the much-needed investment in valuable, experiential human relations training.
Learn more about Embassy Consulting Services and click here to view the 21st Century Task Force Report. Please feel free to contact us or call (562) 577-5874 if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Josef Levy
President, Embassy Consulting Services, LLC
Retired Commander, Long Beach Police Department
Charles F. Celano, Jr.
Director of Training and Business Development, Embassy Consulting Services, LLC
Retired Chief of Police, Tustin Police Department