The premiere conference for school personnel and law enforcement officers to come together to improve the safety of our schools.
Embassy Consulting Services, LLC is pleased to announce the launching of their 1st Safe Schools Summit. This day-long event will bring together a diverse group of professionals that include educators, administrators, law enforcement and school safety professionals to collaborate and work together towards creating and fostering a safe and secure learning environment.
Across the nation, school officials are entrusted with building and maintaining a safe, respectful and inclusive learning environment. However, across our nation, we are seeing violence being perpetrated in many of our educational institutions.
Our Safe Schools Summit is designed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to provide education, awareness and knowledge to help create safe school communities.
The summit will present a robust lineup of presenters and will feature nationally renowned speaker Antoinette Tuff and her inspiring true story of how she saved 870 children at an Atlanta school, which was under siege. As the nation faced yet another Sandy Hook story of tragedy, Antoinette rewrote the ending after facing her own pain, hurt, and rejection, yet held onto grace, faith, and hope. A hope that anchored her in the most high-stakes moments, a grace that allowed her to empathize with a hurting armed suspect and a faith that gave her the courage to love him back from the brink.
Alpert Jewish Community Center
3801 E. Willow Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90815
Registration: $139.00
Survivor – Author – Speaker
Long Beach Chief of Police
Long Beach Unified Superintendent
Director of Safety & Personnel Services, Los Alamitos Unified School District
Los Angeles School Police Chief